Top 10 Universities Offering Free Honorary Doctorate Degrees Online

In the United States, and even in most countries, those who have completed doctoral level education are allowed to append letters such as “Dr. or PhD” (philosophiae doctor) to their name. However, not all doctorate degrees are the same. There is a special type called “Honorary Doctorate.” in this case, the honorary degree holder regrettably cannot append the equivalent of what’s written in the diploma to the ends of their names. Pursuing a doctorate or enrolling in an online 1-year PhD program is still an option or you can go for free honorary doctorate degrees online.

Honorary doctorate degrees are prestigious recognitions awarded by universities to individuals who have made significant contributions to a particular field or society not necessarily academic feats. Unlike traditional doctorate degrees, these do not require a dissertation or coursework. Instead, they are awarded based on achievements and contributions. These degrees are merely ceremonial and are not essentially real college degrees.

This post explores the top 10 universities offering free honorary doctorate degrees online. If you wish to receive an honorary doctorate, you can pursue this through one of the universities the list below.

Criteria for Awarding Honorary Doctorate Degrees

Different academic institutions that offer honorary degrees have different criteria which lead to the nomination, evaluation, and subsequent granting of honorary degrees. Nevertheless, the criteria for granting these degrees mainly revolve around exceptional achievement or merit. Some universities or colleges may require an affiliation or a connection to be nominated or considered, while others may not.

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For instance, long-time donors and benefactors of colleges often receive honorary doctorate degrees. Notable celebrities, leaders, and dignitaries are also commonly awarded. Awarding honorary doctorates involves recognizing exceptional achievements. Criteria for awarding Honorary Doctorate Degrees may include:

  • Significant contributions to a particular area of expertise or community.
  • Proof of outstanding skill and leadership.
  • Impactful work in community service or philanthropic endeavors.
  • Remarkable academic or career achievements.
  • Adherence with the values and goals of the organization presenting the award.
  • Nominations from peers, colleagues, or institutional boards.

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Universities Offering Free Honorary Doctorate Degrees Online

Top 10 Universities Offering Free Honorary Doctorate Degrees OnlineIn recent years, many prestigious universities have offered free honorary doctorate degrees online, making it more accessible for people to get honorary doctorate degrees from the comfort of their homes and gain recognition for their contributions to society. Below is a list of 10 universities offering free honorary doctorate degrees online. Be sure to read all the way through, as you may have the opportunity to benefit from it.

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#1. Abide University

Abide University bestows online honorary doctorate degrees to acknowledge individuals for their accomplishments in diverse fields. These degrees are awarded without the need for further educational or professional prerequisites. While the university is not accredited, the program aims to recognize those who have contributed substantially to their communities or industries. Recipients of these honorary degrees frequently contribute to the university’s academic discussions and publications. You can apply for the Abide University Free Honorary Doctorate Degrees HERE.

#2. Berkshire University

Berkshire University offers complimentary honorary doctorate degrees to individuals who have made outstanding impacts on society. This initiative is designed to recognize accomplishments in diverse professional and academic sectors. Similar to Abide University, Berkshire University lacks accreditation, but the degrees are a gesture of gratitude from the university. Nominees are typically put forward by colleagues or alumni referrals. The program underscores the university’s acknowledgment of valuable societal contributions.

#3. Global Human Peace University

Global Human Peace University is a globally recognized educational institution providing accredited degree programs through both on-campus and remote learning options. The university offers honorary doctorates in fields such as peace, sports, and health education to promote global educational enlightenment and foster peace and harmony worldwide. These honorary doctorate programs have minimal or no academic or professional prerequisites. You can learn more about eligibility criteria, nomination format, procedure, and documents checklist on their OFFICIAL WEBSITE.

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#4. Newport University

Newport University is a leading institution providing free honorary doctorate degrees through its online program. The University uses its honorary doctorate program to support projects like “Tuition-Free Education for Deprived Citizens.” These degrees are granted to individuals who have made significant contributions to their nation or local community. Newport University places a strong emphasis on acknowledging accomplishments in less acknowledged areas, with the program seeking to shine a light on unsung heroes who have positively influenced their communities. The honorary doctorate degrees serve as a means of validating and recognizing these remarkable achievements. Visit the Official Website to learn more.

#5. American Trinity University

American Trinity University is a top-ranking 100% online university offering degrees, diplomas, and certificate programs. American Trinity University offers various paths to obtain honorary doctorate degrees. These degrees recognize achievements in reconciling science and religion, community service, and more. The program includes degrees like Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Divinity, and Legum Doctor in Canon Law. The university values community achievements and commitment to religious harmony. This program is ideal for individuals with significant religious and community contributions. It aims to acknowledge and honor exceptional service. Visit the Official Website to learn more

#6. Abdul Kalam University

Abdul Kalam University provides honorary doctorate degrees at no cost, in addition to various academic programs. The university is fully accredited and grants degrees based on past achievements. Educational excellence and contributions to society are highly valued at this institution. The honorary doctorate program is available online, allowing for easy access for candidates worldwide.

The university’s goal is to acknowledge and celebrate individuals who have had a substantial influence in their respective fields. The degrees are granted following a comprehensive evaluation process. Visit the Program Link to learn about the eligibility requirements and application process for the Abdul Kalam University Free Honorary Doctorate Degrees

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#7. University of Mysore

The University of Mysore is renowned for its wide variety of honorary doctorate degrees that are available online. These free honorary doctorate degrees with certificates can be applied for online, and candidates are chosen based on their contributions to different areas. The university places great importance on excellence and societal influence.

This program is one of the university’s initiatives to acknowledge noteworthy accomplishments. Honorary degrees are presented during official university ceremonies. The university’s selection process is thorough, guaranteeing that only worthy candidates receive the honor.

#8. Grace Bible University

Grace Bible University offers honorary doctorates to those who have made substantial contributions to the spread of the gospel and serving humanity. These degrees, such as Doctor of Christian Leadership and Doctor of Divinity, are suited for those with more than twenty years of experience in the religious sector. The university highly values enduring dedication and outstanding service. Honorary degrees are granted in acknowledgment of lifelong accomplishments. This program is conveniently available online.

#9. Open University International

Open University International offers online honorary doctorate degrees that are respected worldwide. These degrees are given to individuals who have demonstrated significant contributions to their respective fields or society. The university places importance on accomplishments in a wide range of professional and academic areas. This program is easily accessible and convenient for applicants from around the world. Honorary degrees stand as a recognition of the recipients’ impact.

#10. Prowess University

Prowess University bestows honorary doctorate degrees upon individuals who have made substantial contributions to society. The institution highly regards lifetime achievements and altruistic deeds that have benefited humanity. This initiative acknowledges accomplishments that are in line with the university’s mission and is granted through a meticulous selection process. The online accessibility of these degrees makes it convenient for candidates from around the world. The university emphasizes the significance of societal contributions as a key criterion for the selection process.


Receiving an honorary doctorate degree is a highly prestigious form of acknowledgment for individuals who have greatly influenced their fields and society. The universities listed above offer free honorary doctorate degrees online, each with unique criteria and application processes. Familiarizing yourself with the requirements and procedures for applying to different universities can improve your likelihood of being awarded this honor. These degrees not only raise your professional and personal reputation, but also recognize your efforts in making a beneficial impact on the world. If you believe you qualify, consider applying to one of these esteemed institutions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an Honorary Doctorate?

An honorary doctorate is a degree given to people as a way of acknowledging their impact in a particular area or on society, regardless of their lack of traditional academic accomplishments.

Are Honorary Doctorates Equivalent to Academic PhDs?

No! Honorary doctorates are not equivalent to academic PhDs and are not recognized as such in the academic community. Honorary doctorates are often awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to their field, but they are not equivalent to academic PhDs in terms of the rigorous academic requirements and research involved.

Can an Honorary Doctorate be Used Professionally?

An honorary doctorate can be a prestigious recognition, but it may not hold the same weight professionally as an earned doctoral degree but can enhance your professional standing and credibility.

How Long Does the Application Process Take?

The application process for free honorary doctorate degrees online varies by university but typically takes some weeks to months for review and approval. Some universities may have a more expedited process, while others may take longer due to the volume of applications received.

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